Electric cars offer a range of financial, performance and environmental benefits. The advantages of electric cars can be enjoyed by drivers as well as businesses who provide charging for their employees and customers.


What are the financial benefits of electric cars?

Save up to £1,000 a year in fuel savings by driving electric, as it costs as little as 2p per mile. When you choose an electric car, you can get up to £4,500 off the cost of the car with the Plug-in Car Grant. You can also get up to £350 off the cost of charging points and installation with the OZEV Grant (subject to fulfilling criteria)Other benefits include:

  • Exemption from VED (Vehicle Tax)

  • Up to 50% less in maintenance costs

  • Exemption from £11.50 London congestion charge

What are the business and employee benefits of electric cars?

Employees can take advantage of the low running costs of plug-in cars, but other benefits include:


What are the benefits of fully electric cars?

As well as being cheaper to run, electric cars are environmentally friendly with zero tailpipe emissions. Electric cars also benefit from instant torque for superior performance and acceleration, all with no engine noise for less stressful driving.

What are the benefits of providing charging for electric cars?

As more drivers realise the benefits of electric cars, your business can attract and retain new customers by providing electric vehicle charging points. Installing charging points can increase customer dwell time, improve your sustainability rating and create a new revenue stream.